Be more efficient with your training time while improving your athletes’ chances for success.
This workshop is designed to introduce a simple tool that can capture powerful actionable data. Data which will guide you in making educated decisions about your athletes’ speed training.
This will be an introduction to the Horizontal Force-Velocity Profile using the MySprint App. You will learn the fundamentals of prepping and operating the app, including what to look out for to make sure you capture accurate data during the assessment.
You will be taken through the set up, best use case scenarios and possible difficulties you may come across during assessment.
Brief Overview of Sprint Start and Max Velocity Mechanics
Required camera specs and settings:
Frame Rates, Resolution, Codecs
MySprint Assessment Protocol
Key Instructions for Athletes
Appropriate filming technique
Inputing video for analysis
Understanding the force-velocity graph
Overview of Sprint Performance Parameters
Principles for an effective assessment
Anyone teaching/training athletes to get from point A->B as fast as possible.
High School, Collegiate, Club, Developmental Coaches
Athletic Trainers
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Register using the link below!